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The max. number of electrons that can fill the 3s orbital is 2.

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6. p subshells can only hold 6 electrons. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d10...

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The maximum number of electrons in any s orbital is 2, irrespective of the principal quantum number preceding the "s".

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maximum electrons in 3p orbital is 6.

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Q: Maximum number of electrons in 3p orbital?
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What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy 3p?

Since they are p orbitals, 6 electrons are occupied in the 3p orbital. there are 3 types of p orbital, px, py and pz

Why does 4s orbital start filling while 3p orbital is empty?

The electrons fill in the lowest energy orbital that is available. Electrons in the 4s orbital have a lower energy level than electrons in the 3p orbital, so the 4s orbitals are filled with electrons first.

What is the maximum number of electrons in the 3p sublevel?

An energy sublevel refers to an electron orbital, which are designated as s, p, d or f. The maximum number of electrons in a p-type energy sublevel is 6.

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How many valence electron are in sulfur?

Sulfur's outer most shell is 3p. It has 4 electrons in it's 3p orbital, therefore, sulfur has 4 valence electrons.

What is the maximum number of electrons that fit in the third energy level?

18. 2 in the 3s, 6 in the 3p and 10 in the 3d.

In what orbital are the valence electrons in chlorine?

The valence electrons are in the 3p shell. Chlorine principally bonds by gaining 1 electron into the 3p orbital, giving 3p6 and a chlorine ion with a (-1) charge. This gives an ionic bond eg sodium chloride. However it can share electrons in the 3p and 3d shell, as in chlorates, to from 3 covalent bonds.

Do valence electron equal the number of protons?

The number of electrons usually does not equal the number of protons. Valence means outermost. In an electrically neutral atom (which in Gen Chem is the only atoms you will be dealing with) the number of outermost electrons usually does not equal the number of protons. Chlorine has 7 valence electrons but it has 17 protons and if it is electrically neutral (which in gen chem it almost always is) it has 17 electrons. Gen Chem 1: it has 2 electrons in the first shell then it has 8 electrons in the second shell then it has 7 electrons in the outermost shell Gen Chem 2: it has 2 electrons in the 1s orbital then it has 2 electrons in the 2s orbital then it has 6 electrons in the 2p orbital then it has 2 electrons in the 3s orbital then it has 5 electrons in the 3p orbital

How many p electrons are possible in any orbital?

6 electrons can ocupy the 2p, 3p, 4p, and so on. each p subshell has 3 orbitals, and each orbital can hold up to 2 electrons, so each p subshell can hold up to 6 electrons total.

How many valence electrons are in Cr?

A chromium ion has the atomic number 24. This means that a neutral atom has 24 electrons. Because it has the net charge of positive three, it has 21 electrons.

How the valence electron of silver is 18?

In silver there are 2 electrons in 3s orbital, 6 electrons in 3p orbitals and 10 electrons in 3d orbitals. So there is a total of 18 electrons