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The Missouri Compromise was when Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

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Billy Hagenes

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The Missouri Compromise was when Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

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Q: What is the Missouri compromises?
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What compromises did the north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

Why did the Missouri compromises not prevent the US Civil War?

Both the Missouri compromises gave the US more time to consider the issue of slavery and whether slavery would be allowed in the new US territories. There is no direct linkage to the last Missouri compromise of 1850 and the US Civil War.

Why did the democrats praise the legislative compromises of the early 1850s?

Not only the Democrats, but all parties to the Missouri Compromises were in favor of the two compromises. Of course there is always a group of people who opposed them. The two compromises were in 1820 and 1850. The purposes of the compromises was to keep the number of free states and slave states equal. The 1820 Missouri Compromise was the work of Henry Clay was the Senator that helped make the Compromise a reality. This compromise worked. Later in 1850, when national figure, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, put through the second Missouri Compromise. He was a prominent national Democrat.

What was the meaning of the Missouri Compromise?

There were two Missouri Compromises. The one in 1820 sought to keep the balance of slave states and free states equal in number. Thirty years later, the Missouri Compromise of 1850 attempted to accomplish the same goal and did so. These compromises were necessary as slavery became a tough issue to solve. There were strong sectional differences on slavery, and compromises were required to keep the nation whole and free of armed conflict over the issue.

What were two compromises and one act that tried to solve the conflict between the North and the South over the west?

compromises: Compromise of 1850, and the Missouri Compromise Act: the Kansas Nebraska act :)

What was the purpose of the of the The Missouri Compromise?

There were two Missouri Compromises. They were created in 1820 and 1850. Both of them were reached in order to maintain a balance between States that had abolished slavery and those States were slavery still existed. The compromises served and had a noble purpose. They were not made to in effect to justify slavery. The purpose of both of them was to avoid a serious conflict among the States. When seen in that light, the compromises delayed a civil war in the United States.

What was the Missouri compromise of 1820 and what issue did it reveal in American politics?

There were two Missouri Compromises. One in 1820 and the second one in 1850. What it mainly revealed was that compromises were and still are the framework in which legislation is passed between opposing points of view.

What was the plan that preserved the balance between slave and free states and in the senate?

A series of compromises, starting with the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Why was the Missouri Compromise only a temporary solution?

It did not completely solve the issue of sectionalism throughout the nation. This was later solved through many other compromises.

Why did settlement in the west increase tension between the north and south with The Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri compromises did not cause tensions. The purpose of the two Missouri Compromises was to ease the sectional tensions that existed when each of the compromises were made. The Missouri Compromise in 1820 kept tensions low for another 30 years. Not bad considering all the growth the US was experiencing. The next crisis came in 1850. There once again tensions were cooled. It should be noted that the people of the US were not focused on sectional issues. Life went on and US remained strong as it expanded. For example, the gold rush in California had the attention of the entire nation and the world. North and South of the US were two potential enemies, Mexico and British Canada.

What issue did the Missouri compromise deal with in the new territories seeking statehood?

The main purposes of both Missouri Compromises, 1820 & 1850 was to keep in balance free States & slave States. This would be handled before they became States. Or if necessary after Statehood.

How did the Missouri Compromise relate to '' sectionalism ''?

Both Missouri Compromises, the one in 1820 and the following one in 1850, recognized that sectionalism that already existed. The acts of compromises were made to place these sectional issues on the "back burner" so to speak, so that the Federal government could function properly in other areas not associated with slavery. The recognition that sectionalism was not going to disappear, however, should have been a wake up call.