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It depends on which of the 400 different native American languages you are referring to.

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Q: What is the Native American Indian translation of Ghost Dog or Ghost Eyes?
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What is the Indian word for ''ghost''?

There is actually no such language as "Indian". There are more than 450 different languages spoken in India. If you are talking about Native American languages, there are more than 700. If you would like a translation, you would need to specify which Indian language you are talking about.

What was the purpose behind the American Indian Ghost Dance?

It was believed the dance would eliminate the whites and bring back deceased Native Americans.

What is a Native American ghost singer?


Who was ghost dances performed by?

native American warriors

What was the ghost?

It was a new religious movement incorporated into numerous Native American belief systems.

Who was the creator of native American the ghost dance?

Sitting Bull created the Ghost Dance to give his people hope and the spirit to fight back.

What popular new cult among the Native American Plains tribes by the late 1880s was?

ghost dances

Who wrote the music for ghost dance?

Ernest Johnson Come wrote the music for Ghost dance. It is a song for the Native American spiritual movement. It is a circle dance.

What race are the ancient warriors from in the new Gaunt's Ghost novel Only in Death?

it was African American mixed with Indian

What 1890 event ended the ghost dance religion and oranized native american resistance?

The Wounded Knee Massacre of December 29, 1890 ended the Ghost Dance movement. It also ended organized resistance by Native Americans.

What was supposed to restore the native American way of life?

The Ghost Dance, but only specifically for the Paiute tribe. Other nations participated but it was not originally part of their culture. Native American is a general term for over 400 U.S. tribes.

What Ritual Was supposed to restore the Native American Way Of Life?

The Ghost Dance, but only specifically for the Paiute tribe. Other nations participated but it was not originally part of their culture. Native American is a general term for over 400 U.S. tribes.