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It is "harina". This sounds very much like the word for "sand", or "arena", so be careful not to order "tortillas de arena" in a restaurant.

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Q: What is the Spanish word for flour?
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Is guitar a spanish word?

The spanish word for guitar is Guitarra. This English word came directly from the Spanish word, but it is not a Spanish word any more than the Spanish word is an Arabic word. "qutar" or a Greek word Chirara.

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The word flower comes from the Latin word flos or flor-. The old French word was "flour" or "flor" which was used as "flour" in middle English and English and is now "Flower." The spelling "flour" is now only used to describe ground grain.

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"De" is the Spanish word for "of".

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The spanish word for did is hizo.

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The Spanish word for "she" is "ella".

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The Spanish word for "in" is "en".