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Stonehenge has no official ceremonial use today, other than a tourist attraction.

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13y ago

It's just a tourist attraction. A couple of times a year loads of people turn up to celebrate the solstice, but Stonehenge isn't actually used for anything.

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9y ago

Stonehenge is not going to be used for anything. It is an ancient monument built about the same time as the Egyptian pyramids.

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What strategy can be used to protect Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is already protected by not allowing access (except once or twice a year). Peolple must now admire it from a distance.

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It was not used as a barometer.

What time period did Stonehenge originate?

Exactly where it is now, Stonehenge has not been moved. But for the idea behind its desgn see the link.

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At Stonehenge human remains were found as well as tools used to help constructing the henge.

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Stonehenge has not been used for thousands of years so no one knows the answer to this.

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