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Q: What is the ability of a substance to bend or change shape?
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What is the difference between elasticity and flexibility?

Elasticity is the ability to stretch and return to the original shape whilst flexibility is the ability to bend.

Example of physical change shape?

bend a paper clip

What does it mean for a material to be ductile?

To be able to bend or change the objects shape

What is the ability of a substance to be pounded into shapes or molded?

malleability is the ability to be hammered into thin sheets, and ductility is the ability to bend without breaking

Which of these are ways to change the shape of an image?

Shear tool and Curve Bend filter

Is crumple a physical change?

To crumple, bend, or tear paper is a physical change. Because crumpling only changes something's shape, it is a physical change.

What word means twist or bend out of shape?

Warp means twist or bend out of shape.

What substance will break rather than bend?

Ice will break rather then bend

Is bending a nail a physical change or a chemical change?

That's a physical change. Assuming the nail is made of iron (Fe), when you bend it, you simply change its shape. You don't change the fact that it's still iron.

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What are 9 special properties of matter with definition?

· Elasticity-ability to return to its original shape or size after stretching · Flexibility- ability to bend up to a certain degree without breaking · Malleability-ability to be formed or shaped by pressure such as hammering · Ductility-ability to be drawn into thin wires. Example: aluminum · Brittleness-ability of a material to easily break · Luster- how shiny an object is · Solubility-ability to be dissolved in another substance · Viscosity- ability of a liquid to resist to flow · Volatility- ability to vaporize easily · Conductivity- ability to allow the flow of energy/electricity · Porosity- ability to allow liquid/gas to pass through. Example: clothes

What is a metals ability to bend called?

Ductility is the ability to bend without breaking. Malleability is the ability to be flattened without breaking. Gold is the most mallable metal known to man.