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A tendon is a type of connective-tissue band that attaches a muscle to a bone. In a frog, the tendon is attached to the foot through the extensor muscles.

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Q: How is the tendon attached to the foot in a frog?
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What muscle is the Achilles tendon attached?

The Achilles tendon is attached to the calf muscle (gastrocnemius). It is also attached to the heel bone (calcaneus). Achilles tendon is also known as the calcaneal tendon (calcaneal hence the heel bone calcaneus).

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The tendon on the ankle is called the Peroneal tendon.

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What is the tendon attached to the heel and calf called?

There are many muscles that attach to the calcaneus, but the two biggest ones are the gastrocnemius and soleus. These two muscles attach to the calcaneus, via the achilles tendon. The other muscles are: the foot intrinsic muscles, so they begin and end only in the foot, and the plantaris, which attaches to the femur, and travels down to the calcaneus.

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How a tendon worktogether with muscular and skeletal system?

Muscles are attaches to tendons, which in turn are attached to bones. So if you wanted to bend your arm, the biceps pulls on the tendon which is attached to the Radius and Ulna.

What is the foot of the frog?

It's foot.