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We measure them on the either side of the mirror and not on the side of the normal to the surface of the mirror because, if the mirror or any reflecting surface is bent, then there will be a difference between the angle of incidence and angle reflection which can be avoided by measuring those angles on the either side of the mirror.

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Q: What is the advantage of measuring the angle of reflection and angle incident on either side of the normal to the surface of the mirror?
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A incidence ray is the ray that strikes the reflecting surface (prior to reflection). A reflection ray is the ray is reflected from the reflecting surface (after being reflected).

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For light incident upon a plane reflective surface, the angle ofincidenceis the same as angle of reflection.

How do you measure the angles of incidence and reflection?

They are the angles made by the incident ray and the reflected ray with the line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of reflection.

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According to law of reflection, the angle of incidence and angle of reflection are equal. If the incident surface is smooth specular reflection takes place where the light is reflected in a single direction.

What is reflection regular?

Regular reflection means the incident rays parallel to each other fall on plane or smooth surface and reflects back equal to the angle of incidence is called regular reflection.

What is the reference line in measuring the angles of incidence and angle reflection?

The reference line is the normal (perpendicular) to the surface.

What is reference line in measuring the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection?

The reference line is the normal (perpendicular) to the surface.

What is the difference between incident ray and the reflected ray?

incident ray-the light ray striking a reflecting surface is called the incident ray. reflected ray-the light ray obtained after reflection from the surface, in the same medium in which the incident ray is travelling , is called the reflected ray.

What is the angle of incidence if the angle of reflection is 15 degrees?

If the ray is incident at right angles to the reflection surface, angle of Incidence will be 90 degrees and so will be the angle of reflection. In such a case, the incident ray, the normal and the reflected ray coincide.