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Q: What is the advantage of the binary search method?
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What assumption about the list is made when binary search is conducted?

Binary search requires that the list be in search key order.

What is the advantage of binary for prokaryotes?

Binary fission enables them to reproduce quickly.

What is the use of binary?

Binary trees are commonly used to implement binary search tree and binary heaps.

What is the advantage of binary fission prokaryotes?

Binary fission enables them to reproduce quickly.

What is advantage of binary fission for prokaryotes?

Binary fission enables them to reproduce quickly.

Is the advantage of binary fission for prokaryotes?

Binary fission enables them to reproduce quickly.

What is the advantage of binary fission for prokaryotics?

Binary fission enables them to reproduce quickly.

A binary search of an orderd set of elements in an array or a sequential search of the elements.Which one is faster?

A binary search is much faster.

What is the binary number for decimal 191?

It is 10111111 in binary. Try a search for '191 to binary'.

Items that are not suitable for a binary search?

The only items suitable for a binary search are those which are in a sorted order.

Does binary tree and binary search tree same?

no they are not same

What are the drawbacks of the binary search?

The only drawback I know of is that binary search requires that the list already be sorted. So if you have a really large unsorted list than binary search would not be the best option.