

What is the advantages of playing volleyball?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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You get healthy, increases strength and vertical jump

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Q: What is the advantages of playing volleyball?
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Related questions

What is an advantage of volleyball?

Height, Strength, being able to jump are all advantages of volleyball

What year did they start playing volleyball?

In 1895, volleyball was first invented.

What is a sentence about volleyball without using like or as?

I enjoy playing volleyball.

What materials are needed in playing volleyball?

... a court,a volleyball,net and 2 stands.

What are the advantage that volleyball offers?

well, if you dont like to run, then volleyball is alot better than other sports, and it builds upper body strength, for example when i started volleyball, i was about as strong as a pen, and now, im pretty strong.

When ball out on playing volleyball?

The answer is out of line

What is the playing field for beach volleyball?

The playing field is a patch of beach!

How did Jimmy get a new picture of Martha playing volleyball?

Jimmy got a new picture of Martha playing volleyball by hiding in the bushes behind the volleyball court. Martha was not happy that he did that as she did not want her picture to be taken.

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What is the point of playing volleyball?

none it is stupid

What are the benefits of playing club volleyball?

you can stay fit and in shape, if you like playing volleyball it can be fun, and if you play with your friends then it makes it even more funner.