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Antagonist: lats

Agonist: Abdominals

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Q: What is the agonist antagonist and synergist for tricep extension?
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What is the agonist in a dumbbell curl?

The antagonist to the Triceps are the biceps-brachii

Is the bicep an antogonist or agonist?

the antagonsit is the tricep but im not sure what the synergist is sorry : revised : the synergist in a biceps curl would be the posterior deltoid as it flexes to stabilize the shoulder, as the secondary role of the biceps brachii in a biceps curl is to pull the elbow forward and upward in an arc towards the shoulder. if you were looking at the synergists to the biceps brachii as an agonist in its usual role, then the brachioradialis would be the synergist.

What major muscles antagonists in a bench press?

Any time you are doing an exercise where you are pushing a secondary mover will be be the tricep. An antagonist when doing a pushing exercise will always be the bicep.

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Deltoideus and latissimus dorsi

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Difference between agonist and antagonist muscle and 2 examples each?

antagonist goes against the muscle biceps brachii are antagonistic to the triceps brachi quadriceps are antagonistic to the hamstrings an agonist works with the muscle lifting a glass of water brachialis works with the biceps

What are the muscles in the upper arm that cause it to straighten?

Tricep brachii is responsible for extension (straightening) of the arm at the elbow. There are 3 heads of the Tricep; the long, lateral and medial heads. The Tricep is an antagonist of the bicep and brachialis muscles of the upper arm, which both assist in flexion at the elbow joint.

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What are muscles that work in opposing pairs called?

One is the agonist and the other is called the antagonist. Agonist: muscle which is the main mover, it contracts and shortens Antagonist: muscle that lengthens and controls e.g. flexion at the elbow: the biceps are the agonist and the triceps are the antagonist.

What happens to the bicep when your tricep contracts?

When the biceps contracts the triceps relaxes slowly. It happens when your arm is bent.

What class of lever is a lying tricep extension?

trid claas