

What is the air time between Nova Scotia and Mississauga?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is the air time between Nova Scotia and Mississauga?
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Clarification of question needed. Halifax is IN Nova Scotia.

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The distance is 257 miles. About 5 hours driving time.

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At 0700 EDT, the time in Nova Scotia is 0600 ADT.

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Nova Scotia is in the time zone GMT -4 and New Jersey is in zone GMT -5 (US Eastern Standard Time) so there is a one hour difference with Nova Scotia ahead of New Jersey. For example, if it is 12:00 pm (noon) in Nova Scotia, it will be 11:00 am in New Jersey.

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Netherland and Nova Scotia in Canada have a time difference of 5 hours, netherland is ahead of 5 hours than nova scotia . for example if time in novascotia is 8 pm than in netherland it will be 1 am

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3 Hours.They are on Different sides of the country. BC is on the West Coast and Nova Scotia is on the East coastNova Scotia (UTC-4/UTC-3) is 4 hours ahead of most of British Columbia (UTC-8/UTC-7).

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non stop about 15 hours, it depends on the weather also if the ferry is running between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia , usually this is an overnight trip.

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Kazan is 7 hours ahead of Halifax.