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6m and one side is 4m what isthe length of the other side

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Q: What is the area of a trapezoid if one side is 6m the other side is 4m and the middle is 5m?
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How do you measure area of trapezoid?

To find the area of a trapezoid you have to use the equations: [Height divided by 2] x [base1+base2] and the answer you get is the area of the trapezoid.

What is the area of trapezoid KLMN?

Area of a trapezoid = 0.5*(sum of parallel side)*height

Can a square and a trapezoid ever have the same area and why?

Yes because if you square root the area of a trapezoid that will give you the side of a square

What is the area of a upside down trapezoid?

The area of an upside down trapezoid is the same as the area of a right side up or sideways trapezoid. Area = 1/2 * height * (upperbase + lowerbase) OR Area = 1/2 * height * (sum of the length of the two parallel lines)

What is the formula for a trapezoid?

The perimeter of a trapezoid is the sum of the lengths of each side. To find the area of a trapezoid: add base 1 and base 2 together then divide that answer by 2, then multiply it by the height of the trapezoid.

What is the area of a trapezoid?

The area of a trapezoid = 1/2 (altitude)(base 1 + base 2) *altitude can also be called the height, or the spacing between the parallel sides. Base 1 is the length of one of the parallel sides, and base 2 is the length of the other parallel side.

How do you find the length of a trapezoid when area and width are given?

A trapezoid is a 4 sided quadrilateral with one pair of opposite parallel lines of different lengths and the formula for its area is:- 0.5*(parallel side+parallel side)*width or height = area To find the length of a parallel side one of its parallel sides must be given as well as its width and area and so:- Parallel side = (2*area)/(width) - known parallel side

What is the formula for finding the area of tratrapezoid?

Area of a trapezoid = 1/2 of (length of one of the parallel sides + length of the other parallel side) times (distance between the two parallel sides)

What is the area of a right triangle and a trapezoid?

Triangle: Half the product of the longest side and the perpendicular distance from it to the apex. Trapezoid: Half the product of the sum of its bases and the height.

What is the difference betwe a parallelogram and a trapezoid?

If you pick any side of a parallelogram, there's always another side parallel to it. With a trapezoid, that's true for two of its sides, but not for the other two.

How area of parellogram help find area of trapezoid?

A parallelogram is a degenerate trapezoid: as the longer of the parallel sides of a trapezoid shrinks to the length of the shorter parallel side, the trapezoid becomes a parallelogram. It is truer to say that the area of a trapezoid helps to find the area of a parallelogram: area_trapezoid = mean_average_of_parallel_sides x distance_between_them = 1/2 sum_parallel_side_lengths x distance_between_them When the parallel sides are of equal length this becomes: area = (1/2 x 2 x length_of_parallel_sides) x distance_between_them = length_of_parallel_sides x distance_between_them = area_parallelogram

Can any side of a trapezoid can be called a base?

The two parallel sides are called the bases, and the two non-parallel sides are the legs. If you call any other pair of sides the bases, the formula for the area of the trapezoid will no longer work.