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Jupiter's atmosphere is composed of the following:

  • Molecular hydrogen (H2) - 89.8% (+/- 2.0%)
  • Helium (He) - 10.2% (+/- 2.0%)
  • Methane (CH4) - 3000 ppm (+/- 1000 ppm)
  • Ammonia (NH3) - 260 ppm (+/- 40 ppm)
  • Hydrogen Deuteride (HD) - 28 ppm (+/-10 ppm)
  • Ethane (C2H6) - 5.8 ppm (+/- 1.5ppm)
  • Water (H2O) - 4 ppm (varies with pressure)
  • Small amounts of aerosols, including ammonia ice, water ice, and ammonia hydrosulfide
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11y ago
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6y ago

The composition of Jupiter's atmosphere is 90% Hydrogen and 10% Helium.

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12y ago

The atmosphere of Jupiter is made out of hydrogen, helium, methane, and other poisonous gases which are unbreathable by humans.

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Is Jupiter's atmosphere gassy?

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What is Jupiter's surface materials?

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What is the major component of Jupiter's atmosphere?

I think its methane...but i'm not 100% sure

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How Strong Is Jupiter's Atmosphere?

Basically, Jupiter is made up only of atmosphere. The gas giants like Jupiter don't have a solid surface you can stand on, as on Earth; they are made up of an atmosphere that just gets denser and denser as you go further into the planet.

What is in the atmosphere of Jupiter?

Jupiter is made of carbon dioxide gas and a little methane gas.

What are the gases percentage on Jupiter?

Jupiter's atmosphere is made of 90% hydrogen and 10% helium

What is made mostly of hydrogen and helium?

Jupiter's atmosphere

What is Jupiters atmosphere and what is it composed of?

the atmosphere of Jupiter is made of 90% hydrogen, and 10% helium

What is the quality of atmosphere on Jupiter?

Jupiter is made up of carbon dioxide and little methane gas

What Jupiter's surafce made of?

Jupiter's surface is not made of anything,it is a "Gas Giant".Made of gas.I suggest you look up what it's atmosphere is made of.

How much of Jupiter is made up of helium?

10% of its atmosphere is made of heilum