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The mass number of the isotope with the longest half life, Bh-270, is 270.

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Q: What is the atomic mass number of bohrium?
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What is the atomic mass for bohrium?

After IUPAC tables from 2009 the atomic weight of bohrium is [270].

What is bohrium's atomic mass?


What is the atomic number of bohrium?

Bohrium, previously known as unnilseptium (Uns), with the chemical symbol Bh, has the atomic number 107.

What are 5 properties of element bohrium?

radiactive, solid, unstable, metal, atomic mass of the most stable isotope is 270, atomic number 107

What is the name of element 107?

The element with atomic number 107 is Bohrium.

What is the atomic symbol for bohrium?

The chemical symbol of bohrium is Bh.

What does the chemical element symbol Bh stand for?

Bohrium, atomic number 107

How many protons are in the element bohrium?

107 the atomic number and the number of protons are the same thing!

How many neutrons are in the element bohrium?

For each isotope of bohrium the number of neutrons is different. Number of neutrons = Mass number of an isotope of Bh – 107

How many protons are in a boron?

The element boron has atomic number 5; therefore, there are 5 protons in each boron atom, because the atomic number of an element is defined as the number of protons in each atom of an element.

What is the 107th element in the periodic table?

The 107th element on the Periodic Table of Elements is Bohrium. Bohrium Symbol: Bh Atomic Number: 107 Group: 7

What is the difference between the atomic number mass number and atomic mass?

We can find Atomic Mass and mass number in chemical elements. Atomic mass is about weight of the atom. Mass number is about total of neutrons and protons.