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The atomic number of an elemnt tells you how many protons are in the nucleus and therefore how many electrons thare are in a neutral atom.

The mass number is the toal of protons and neutrons.

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Q: What is the atomic number on a table that tells us how many of what are in an atom of the element?
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What tells you the number of protons in the nucleus?

the atomic number in the top left hand corner of the element in the periodic table

What tells the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element?

The atomic number of the element refers to the number of protons of an atom: all atoms of an element have this number of protons. A neutral atom of the element will have the same number of electrons.

What are characteristics of atomic number?

The atomic number of an element tells you how many protons there are in each nucleus of each atom of the element. On the periodic table, you find the atomic number at the top of the box for each element.

What are the characteristics of atomic number?

The atomic number of an element tells you how many protons there are in each nucleus of each atom of the element. On the periodic table, you find the atomic number at the top of the box for each element.

What do you call the number that tells an element's location on the periodic table of elements?

Atomic number and it also tells the number of protons and electrons in an atom it is on top of the element symbol.

What does an element's atomic number tell us?

The atomic number is the number of protons that the element has.

Atomic number is equaled to what on the periodic table?

Atomic number is the bottom number on an element in the periodic table. It is the proton number, so tells you how much protons are in an element. EXTRA: you can find the neutron number by subtracting the mass number from the proton number.

Which periodic table number determines which element an atom is?

An atom's atomic number tells which element it is. The atomic number of an element is equal to its number of protons. The number of neutrons may vary within an element, giving rise to the concept of isotopes.

What does an element's atomic number tell about that element?

The atomic number is the number of protons and defines an element. It really only indicates the element of a given atom which can be linked to other properties such as atomic mass or location on the periodic table and anything else knowing the element tells you.

What does an element atomic number tell about that element?

The atomic number is the number of protons and defines an element. It really only indicates the element of a given atom which can be linked to other properties such as Atomic Mass or location on the Periodic Table and anything else knowing the element tells you.

What element on the periodic table has 50 protons?

Sn - Tin. The atomic number of an element tells you how many protons that element has.

Element's atomic number tell about that element?

The atomic number tells you the number of protons in the nucleus of that element.