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There is a small cadre of real estate agents, primarily in commercial leasing and luxury condo/coop market, who make a lot of money, and some even make over $500,000 a year. However, the overwhelming majority of real estate agents make less than the average office worker. In fact, some real estate agents in Manhattan make less than $20,000, less than the guy working in the mail room in a corporation. The average is also skewed down by part-time agents who may be housewives or actors. The average income for real estate agents in Manhattan is probably around $35,000 a year.

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Q: What is the average income for real estate agents in Manhattan?
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How much money could a real estate agent make?

Now days several people want to become real estate agents because of the independence and expected income they can make. Real estate agents can make a lot of money, but the average income for a real estate agent is only $39,000 a year. There are many reasons the average income of real estate agents is low, one of the biggest reasons actuality many agents only work part-time. The average income for a full-time real estate agent is over $54,000 a year.

How much money do real estate agents earn in Australia?

The starting annual income for a real estate sales agent in Australia is around $49,000. Senior sales agents can make as much as $85,000. The average annual salary is $65,000.

What is the average income for a real estate agent in Los Angeles?

The income for a real estate agent varies depending on personal drive and also what company you work for or how many houses you sell. Agents can make tens of thousands to millions of dollars a year.

How much does a real estate agent make in san Diego?

The average annual income for a real estate agent in San Diego is $77,000. The average annual income for a real estate agent in Des Moines is $71,000.

What is your desired rental income or return on investment?

At Remaxstar Estate Agents Ilford, we aim to achieve your desired rental income or return on investment. Visit to explore our services and expertise.

What is a commercial real estate income?

Income from commercial real estate very depending on the individual realtor agent. For most individual realtor agents who have just started on their careers, they mostly struggle in earning quite an income - but as they earn experience and make more closings, they earn more and better around $50k or more.

What is the average salary of insurance agents & brokers?

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How much are model agents paid?

If you're in a good modeling market, you can stand to make a good income. The average income of a modeling agency is $58,000/year.

When was the best time for investing in real estate in the US?

Before the economic downfall, and mostly in the years of the 1990's, investing in real estate in the United States was profitable and the best time to invest. The banks were full of inventory with constantly releasing Real Estate opportunities. In the the years of 1990's the real money p Real Estate agents would rent out to produce income, Real Estate agents thus opted to buy Real Estate not land.

What is the income on a real estate agent?

Real Estate Agents make 3% of the sale of a house. That is 3% for the buying real estate agent and 3% for the selling real estate agent. So this can range widely by house prices. Most real estate agents incomes vary from part time work at $20,000/year to full time commercial real estate agent at $100,000+/year. It all depends on how many houses you sell and how hard you work at it.

What is the income tax rate in Michigan?

Lambertville, Michigan has no personal income tax levied.They do have a higher real estate tax than average though.