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The "average" result on an intelligence (commonly referred to as "IQ") test is considered to be the mean. This is usually 100, but not all IQ tests have standard means and deviations. Sometimes, the mean or "average" of an IQ test is adjusted by "renorming" if the original norming proves to not be accurate after a larger sample is obtained.

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Q: What is the average result in an intelligence questionnaire test?
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According to the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, an IQ of 133 is classified as very superior intelligence.

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What is a culturally based intelligence test and what is a culture free intelligence test?

Different cultures think differently so will be better at certain tasks and not so good at others (on average). A culture free intelligence test makes an effort to neutralise this.

What country has strongest intelligence?

There is no such test done to this, but on average Singaporeans have the highest IQ.

What is it mean If you get 104 on the IQ test?

It means you have average intelligence. The average is 100 plus or minus 10 points.

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A test inventory questionnaire is where you give your opinions on the test inventory. The checklist is where you check off all of the items as you complete them.

How do you know if you have natural intelligence?

Natural intelligence is generally measured by an IQ test. For example, about 100 is average, and above 145 is extremely intelligent.

What is another name for a test and it starts with a q?

a questionnaire? :)

A questionnaire of sentence completion test?


What does mean if your IQ score is a 95 on the Stanford binet intelligence test?

Normally in the Average level

Would like to know the definition of self-administerd questionnaire?

Self-administered just means you give it to yourself, like a practice test. A questionnaire is a set of questions.An example of a self-administered questionnaire is a practice test, an online IQ test, or any of those magazine quizzes you see!

Your cholesterol test was 5.8 is that result ok?

It is the national average