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The bad ozone is the common name for ground ozone. This ozone is a secondary pollutant.

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10y ago

The tropospheric region of atmospheric contains the bad ozone r the ground ozone. It is called bad as it is a pollutant.

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Q: What layer of the atmosphere has bad ozone?
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How bad is the ozone layer of today?

Ozone layer is depletion is happening in the stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere. It is majorly concentrated over Antarctica's atmosphere.

What layer of earths atmosphere would be considered good ozone?

There is good ozone and then there is bad ozone. Good ozone is present in the earth's atmosphere.

Ozone is concentrated in the layer of the atmosphere called the?

Ozone is concentrated in the ozone layer of the atmosphere. the layer of atmosphere is stratosphere.

Which atmosphere has a ozone layer in it?

The stratosphere region of atmosphere has the ozone. It is present as the ozone layer.

In which layer of the atmosphere is ozone present?

The Ozone Layer, which is made up of Ozone molecules, or O3 molecules, occurs in the stratosphere. The stratosphere is the second layer up from the surface, above the troposphere, which we live in. (Sorry...long drawn out answer.) :)

What is the ozone layer of your atmosphere?

The ozone is the triatomic form of ozone. It is present in the form of ozone layer in the atmosphere.

Which layer of the atmosphere is the ozone most harmful?

The harmful ozone is present in the troposphere. It is also called bad ozone.

What layer of the atmosphere is Ground level ozone?

Troposphere contains ground ozone. It is also called bad ozone.

What layer of the atmosphere contains the most ozone layer?

Stratosphere is the layer of atmosphere. It contains the ozone layer. Ozone is the blanket on earth.

What atmosphere layer is the ozone layer found?

Ozone is found in the stratospheric region of atmosphere. It is found in the form of ozone layer.

Which layer in the atmosphere contain most of the ozone gas?

See "In what layer of the atmosphere do you find the ozone layer?" in the "Related questions" section below.

What is the layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays from the sun?

The UV rays must pass through atmosphere. So the layer must be in Atmosphere. The layer of the atmosphere is he ozone layer.