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Q: What is the basic difference between a drama and a movie?
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What is the difference between a drama and a movie?

In the broadest sense Drama includes all the theatrical arts- including cinema ( Movies) and television fiction. Properly it is serious fare as opposed to comedy. The Greeks invented Drama as we know it- in those days there was either Tragedy or Comedy- and sad and comic masks as trade badges. The modern concept of ( comes out OK) serious drama is in part a product of the Movie industry- did not exist in classical dramas which were either tragedy or comedy.

Is total drama drama drama drama island the same as Total Drama Island?

Yes It Is, It Is The Total Drama Island Movie And There IS Also A Total Drama Action Movie Called Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special.

What is horror drama?

a drama or movie that is based on horror.

Is there a difference between the book IT and the movie?

The movie is really bad, the book, sublime.

Does total drama the movie exist?

will it be a total drama the movie next year sometime maybe

What is the difference between the book The Cay and the movie?

the different is that the book is not good and the movie is better.

Is there a total drama movie?


How are the hunger games book and movie different?

Surprisingly, there is not much difference between the book and movie

Is there going to be a total drama island movie?

It is rumored that there will be an animated Total Drama movie, and it will come out late 2012 or 2013.

What is the best drama movie ever made?

Who cares about the best drama movie ever made, you should find out for yourself!!

What is a silent movie in drama?

When a stranger calls..... drama and horror but silenceA loving rose of a woman ..... silence and drama

What is the difference between novel holes and the film of holes?

There is no difference, in the movie they used the same dialogue as they did in the book.