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The potential applied between the indicator electrode and the reference electrode is kept constant and the current through the electrolyte cell is then measured on addition of each increament oftitrating solution.

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Q: What is the basic technique or basic principle of amperometric titration?
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What is the basic principle of biamperometric titration?

Basic principle of biamperometric titration is reduction-oxidation reaction which can produce electricity read by amperometer

What is the indicator in titration reactions that turns pink in basic solutions?


Discussion of titration?

Titration is the controlled addition and measurement of the amount of a solution of known concentration required to react completely with a measured amount of a solution of unknown concentration. Titration provides the equivalent volumes of acidic and basic solutions. In order to find this, MaVa/Ca formula needs to be used. In titration, when equal numbers of H3O+ and OH- from the acidic and basic solutions react, the resulting solution is neutral (water and salt). In titration, the end point would be the point at which the indicators change color; in this case the indicator turned pink. The equivalence point would the point at which the two solutions used in titration are present in chemically equivalent amounts. The indicator, phenothaylene, is used to determine the equivalence point of weak-acid/strong- base titrations.

Why is important that the indicator is present in the solution during the course of titration?

the reason why a indicator is important in some titration is to show a change in the solution. for example as a solution runs from acidic to basic the indicator may turn a different color. but this is the reason why it is important inmost experiments.

Why is an acidic titration medium a requirement of the vol hard?

volhard method uses Fe indicator. in the basic solution, Fe ion can precipitate forming Fe(OH)3 ...ete..