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Laws passed in the South following the Civil War that enforced segregation.

kimberly compos<3

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Jim Crow codified the discrimination of the African American community.

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Q: What best describes the purpose of Jim Crow laws?
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What was the purpose of john crow laws?

iunno bxtch

What was the purpose of the Jim crow laws?

The purpose of the Jim Crow laws were to limit and restrict the voting freedom of African-Americans.

What name was given to the segregation laws in the south?

Jim Crow laws

The purpose of Jim Crow laws was to?

Jim Crow laws mandated the segregation of public schools, public places and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains for whites and blacks.

Where did the Jim crow laws originated?

where did the jim crow laws originate

Jim Crow laws kept African Americans from any kind of real equality in their lives.?

Yes and that was the purpose of the laws. They were institutional discrimination.

Term for the racial segregation laws imposed in the 1890's?

Jim Crow Laws

Jim crow lawscan best be described as laws that?

restricted the rights of blacks

What legal segregation of races was a result of?

Jim Crow Laws

Which of these answers is the best description of Jim Crow laws?

laws passed in the south following the Civil War that enforced segregation

What term describes repressive laws concerning aftrican Americans in to kill a mockingbird?

The term that describes the repressive laws concerning African Americans in &quot;To Kill a Mockingbird&quot; is Jim Crow laws. These were state and local laws in the southern United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. The novel depicts the impact of these laws on the characters and the community.

What is the purpose of Jim Crow laws?

Jim Crow laws were designed to prevent blacks from voting in the old south, but voting laws were only one type of Jim Crow Law. In general, Jim Crow Laws mandated the "Separate But Equal" status of blacks in the south. The laws ensured segregation without having to make segregation itself a law, because legally-sanctioned segregation was not permitted.