

What breed is best for hamsters?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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13y ago

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The best type of hamster to get, is the teddybear hamsters. A short teddybear hamster are easier, in my opinion, because they require less grooming, and when you let them outside of their cage, the stuff stuck in their long fur doesn't track all over your house.

Teddybear hamsters are by far, the most well tempered, and adore nothing better than attention.

Don't expect your hamster to be lovable the minute you get him/her! They can bite, because they are scared!

Don't touch them for two days, to let them get used to their home.

Also, NEVER buy a hamster just because they are cute and tiny.

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14y ago
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13y ago

All hamsters are different and have different attitudes. Hamsters are very cute and friendly , if you would like a big hamster , I would go with the teddy bear or panda bear hamster since they are pretty fluffy , live for quite a while and they can grow much bigger than a regular hamster. Teddy bear hamsters are very friendly and smart , that was my first breed I hamster and I loved him. If you want one just the right size , get the regular hamster , which is like the teddy bear one but not as fluffy , still very soft though :)

If your still looking for the friendly side of hamsters and you want something not to big , very small and friendly , go for the robo hamster ! I just bought myself a robo hamster yesterday. Robo hamsters are very small , they just LOVE to run around on a wheel ! It's pretty halarious to watch them flip over and get back on! :) they are SO cute :) but if you want to play with them , they don't stay in your hand too long , but once you tame them , they get to be a wonderful pet :) they are very energetic :)

For something more on the aggressive side , the dwarf hamster is a good choice. They are pretty fast and a bit bigger and similar to re robo hamster. The dwarf hamster can bite and you may not like that , but once they get to know you , it may not happen often.

Hope this helps you with your choice of breed.

good luck :)

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14y ago

I have Chinese hamsters, which are a good breed; they're small and not jumpy.

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By breeding them. Dwarf hamsters are a breed of hamster.

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If they are the same breed, then yes.

Do hamsters breed during the day or at night?

hamsters can breed during both day and night, but since they are nocturnal they usually do so at night.

Do Hamsters have babies?

Yes, they are animals and have babies. DO NOT breed hamsters for fun. Breed when you become more experienced and responsible. You must also have people to give the hamsters to. You DO NOT want sixteen hamsters living in your house.