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In most cases, two mixed liquids can best be separated by the process of distillation, in which the liquid with the lower boiling point is boiled off and collected as vapor, and it can then condense back into a liquid. It is also possible to separate two mixed liquids by cooling them to the point that one of the liquids freezes; no two liquids would have exactly the same freezing point, just as they do not have exactly the same boiling point (of course, if the freezing points or the boiling points are very close, that makes the separation process harder).

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10y ago
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13y ago

you can use heat because every liquids boil at different temp.

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15y ago

Are they "like" liquids? Meaning both polar or both non polar because like dissolves in like. Liquids that aren't the same ex. oil and water stay separated usually.

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11y ago

It depends on the two liquids in question. Some methods could be:

A centrifuge

Boiling the liquids

Using a powerful magnet

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