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Q: What is the body temperature that can cause a baby or child with a high fever to develop a seizure?
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Trying to find out what caused my 17 mth old to have a seizure one minute he was fine running and playing then he was having a seizure it was so terrifying.?

The most common cause of seizure between tha ages of six months to six years is febrile seizure. If the child did not have fever at that time other causes have to be considered. The child needs to be examined without delay.

What is wrong if child's only symptom is a high temperature?

If a child's only symptom is a high temperature, it means you have not been looking in the right place for the cause of the high temperature.

If a child has a low temp 35.3c - ear drum what could be the cause?

A child with an eardrum temperature of 35.3c can have many causes. If this is a chronic issue, many diseases and disorders can cause the low temperature.

What causes sudden seizures in children who never had one?

Each case is different so there is no single answer to that question. There are many forms of seizure and many causes. A child would have to be assessed by a doctor to try and find the cause of their seizure.

Can a 14 year old healthy child with epilepsy die from a seizure?

unfourtunately, yes. Depending on how severe the seizure is, and the circumstances in which the seizure was caused, and where it took place.

What should you do if your child has a seizure while on Concerta?

Phone an ambulance.

What is a sentence using the word seizure?

Suddenly, the taxi driver started convulsing- he was having a seizure. Sometimes I think my child is going to give me a seizure. The contraband discovered below deck caused our boat to be under seizure.

Should a person with 101.9 go to the doctor?

It is the body's way of fighting off the infection. A temperature alone does not harm a child. If there are other serious symptoms, yes see your doc, or if it goes on for a significant amount of time, but otherwise I wouldn't worry. If it was to be over 104.9 then I would begin to worry that it could cause a seizure.

Can lack of food cause seizures in children?

Yes it can, if your body does not get enough food the brain will begin to over think causing stress that most people will not notice in themselves. This can cause the seizure in any person, child, teenager, and adult.

Why would there be cause of concern if a pregnant mother is Rh- and her husband is Rh and this is their second child?

If the second child is Rh+ and the mother did not take RhoGAM, there is a chance that the child will develop erythroblastosis fetalis and die before birth.

What would cause a child to all of a sudden go into a catatonic look and not respond to surrounding atmosphere?

One possibility is that the child is having a type of seizure, called an absence seizure. Absence seizures (also called petit mal seizures) are lapses of awareness, sometimes with staring, that begin and end abruptly, lasting only a few seconds. There is no warning and no after-effect. See related link below.

What does it mean when a 3 year old child has a seizure and then rocks back and forth everyday?

It means get that child to a doctor/psychiatrist ASAP!