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The teacher teaches because the student does not know. Once the student knows, they then can teach.

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Q: What is the bond of knowledge between the teacher and the student?
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Yes a student can have peace against another student -go to a counseler -you can get the person to talk to you

Can plutonium bond?

as far as i know no. my science teacher told me that though. now for my question, What does plutonium bond with?

Is it legal for a teacher to have a relationship with a stud?

Presumably by stud you mean student? If this is the case then no, it's not legal because it is misuse of power and trust on the teachers part. Students are looked at as impressionable. If a teacher then gets involved romantically with a student then they are using their power and the trust between the student and themselves as a way to form the romantic bond between the two of them. In summary, it is illegal for a teach to have a relationship with a student that is romantic. Normal basic friendships are ok but I'd still be weary because sometime they can be looked at as the wrong way. More particularly, when the student is underage and the teacher then ends up buying alcohol or other age restricted things for the student because of the friendship. In this case the friendship itself would not be frowned upon but the illegal supply of age restricted thing would and most likely carry the same penalty as having a romantic relationship. (Dismissal, sex offenders register (If under 16), if under 16 then most likely jail time and I believe that if between 16-18 they can still be prosecuted for statutory rape.). Thanks, Tom