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Komodo dragons are not very fast. Their bite is quite vile and toxic, but you have many hours and maybe even days before the infection kills you. So, if a komodo is trying to attack you and you can still trot, you are probably going to be fine.

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Q: What is the chance of living when a komodo is after you and wants to eat you?
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What do komodo dragons do not eat?

Komodo dragons eat monkeys and other komodo dragons, but they do not eat fish.

Is komodo dragon an extinct animal?

No, they are just endangered. They are mostly endangered because the food on komodo island is becoming extinct so komodo dragons don't have anything to eat so they die or eat their friends.

What happens when you touch a komodo dragon?

You stand a good chance of losing the finger you used. They are not pets, they ARE aggressive, and they DO eat meat.

Do komodo dragons eat frogs?

Komodo dragons have thrived in the harsh climate of Indonesia's Lesser Sunda Islands for millions of years. The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) would probably eat a tiger should they ever meet. One bite from the komodo results in a slow and certain death (over several days) due to the bacteria in the komodo's saliva.

Do komodo dragons eat their own kind?

komodo dragons can eat their ownkind but they perfer not too.

Do adult komodo dragons eat baby komodo dragons?

yes when baby komodo dragons are born they run up trees so they don't get eaten by them so yes adult komodo dragons do eat baby komodo dragons

How do komodo dragons eat?

They eat with their mouths.

Do komodo dragons live alone?

komodo dragon live alone but wheb they eat food they eat together

Do komodo dragons eat tigers or wolves?

Komodo dragons never eat wolves, but they eat dogs all the time. Wolves don't live in Southeast Asia. Komodo dragons can eat tigers since tigers live in Southeast Asia. A tiger can be killed by a komodo dragon from ambush.

What do baby komodo dragon eat?

I guess that the biggest thing that a komodo dragon can eat is humans or goats, zebras, horses, etc. They can eat almost any living thing that are near them. So, anything that is living better watch out! P.S. Komodo dragons don't usually eat humans, only if they're hungry enough. So don't make them mad!

What animal eats komodo dragon eggs?

Certain species of birds eat Komodo eggs as well as other Komodo Dragons. Snakes also eat the Dragons eggs as well.

Do komodo dragons eat buffaloes?
