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The chances are that you're pregnant!

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Q: What is the changes of being pregnant if you use the pullout method and your period is six weeks late?
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How likely is it to be pregnant if its the first night of you're period and he pulled out?

The pullout method is the most unreliable method of birth control. Pregnancy is always a possibility - be protected.

Could i be pregnant if we used the pullout method and this was during my most fertile days and im having weird cramps and my period isn't due for another week and a half?

Yes, you could be pregnant, because withdrawal DOESN'T protect you against pregnancy!

Could you be pregnant if your period is four days late and you always use the pullout method at lest twice a day or more almost every day?

You shouldn't be using withdrawal in the first place, because it's NOT birth control - and yes, you could be pregnant!

Its been 36 days since my last period and no signs of it coming i usually start on the 1st of every month i use the pullout method and so far its worked for over 4 years could i be pregnant?

Yes. The pull out method is not considered to be a reliable form of birth control. If you feel that you may be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or visit your dr.

What are the earliest signs of pregnancy and how possible is it with the pullout method?

The pull out method is more like a method to get pregnant to be honest. There's pre-cum that he can not feel and it's there to clean the urethra before the actual ejaculation. The earliets signs differ from woman to woman. Some feel sick from the first day pretty much while others don't. Not getting your period is a sign. If you think you are pregnant you can take a test 10-14 days after sex the earliest for it to be reliable.

How soon can a girl get pregnant after her first day on her period?

First I will always say that unless you are abstinent, there is always a possibility of being pregnant. Yes, you can get pregnant. Common myths suggest that you cannot get pregnant while on your period, that is false information as well; although it is less likely it is still possible. You can also get pregnant from pre-ejaculate as you might not have thought because pre-ejaculate still contains sperm/semen. The pullout or withdraw method can still have sperm or semen that can come in contact with the vagina and get a female pregnant.

Period is due around June 29 today is the 24th and I had a negative pregnancy test but could it still be too early used the pullout method several times and Im hoping for a positive test still?

Wait until the day of your missed period.

Can a woman get pregnant during her period using withdrawal method?

Yes. Since there is sperm in the precum, there is always a chance of getting pregnant with the pull-out method. "Take Sex with Sue Johansen" says women get pregnant within a year of using this method.

Used withdrawal method and period came early?

Using this type of contraception has nothing to do with the regularity of your period. Always excepting it is not a reliable method and you period may have failed to start completely due to you being pregnant.

I haven't taken my pill all month I am supposed to be starting my period in a week and when me my fiance have sex we either do the pullout method or im on top and let gravity take it am i prego?

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Is there a chance of getting pregnant if you had a sex 1 week after your last day of period and you only used withdrawal method?

Yes there is a chance of being pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if you get your period for only 5 days?

Certainly. I will always say that unless you are abstinent, there is always a possibility of being pregnant. Yes, you can get pregnant. Be on the lookout for pregnancy symptoms just in case. Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Common myths suggest that you cannot get pregnant while on your period, that is false information as well; although it is less likely it is still possible. You can also get pregnant from pre-ejaculate as you might not have thought because pre-ejaculate still contains sperm/semen. The pullout or withdraw method can still have sperm or semen that can come in contact with the vagina and get a female pregnant.