

What is the charge of Li 2?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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8y ago

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Atomic lithium has no charge whereas its ion has a +1 charge.

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8y ago

The cation of lithium is Li (+1).

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Q: What is the charge of Li 2?
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Li+Basic information: Protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged. The charge of one proton cancels out the charge of one electron. The atomic number represents how many protons are in the nucleus of an atom.If the ion has more protons than electrons, then it will be positively charged overall. If the particle has three protons, then the atomic number is three, and the element is Lithium.

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The negative charge increases by 1. So it is -1

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Lithium does not have a '0' charge. Its electron configuration is 2,1. This means there is one valence electron in its outer shell. Losing this electron will make Lithium have a full shell (2 only) which all atoms try to achieve, therefore Li has a +1 charge because it loses an electron to gain noble gas configuration.

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Li ion is charged +1

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Lithium (Li) with a charge of 1+.

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Plus 1. Li^+1

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Atomic number of lithium: 3 Charge of the anion Li+1: +1

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The simplest answer is that Li-Po batteries are much smaller for the same charge.

Li plus H2O yields?

2 Li + 2 H2O ------> 2 LiOH + H2