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No matter where an electron happens to be -- in an atom, outside of an atom, near an atom -- its charge will ALWAYS be negative one atomic charge.

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Q: What is the charge of electrons in an atom?
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What atom has 7 electrons and no charge?

A neutral nitrogen atom has 7 protons and 7 electrons, and has no charge.

What do electrons do in an atom?

They affect the charge of the atom.

When an atom has one or more extra electrons it will have a positive charge?

No. Electrons possess a negative charge, therefore an atom with an excess of electrons will have an overall negative charge.

Is an atom that loses electrons have a negative charge?

No. Electrons have a negative charge and so removing one from the atom will give it a positive charge.

Which part of an atom carries a negative charge?

The electrons of an atom carry a negative charge. the electron cloud which is around the nucleus containing the electrons For more information, see Related links below.

What describes the charge of an atom before any electrons are transferred?

Neutral charge describes the charge of an atom before any electrons are transferred.

When there is an equal number of electrons and protons in an atom what is the charge?

The atom is neutral. There is no charge.

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What do the charge of electrons equal in a neutral atom?

The negative charge of the electrons equals the positive charge of the protons in a neutral atom. In other words, the numbers of electrons and protons are equal.

What is the charge on the tin atom if four electrons have been removed?

The charge on a tin atom that has lost four electrons is 4+.

What determine the charge of an atom?

It depends on the number of electrons and protons the charge of an atom depends on the number of electrons and the number of protons

What determines the charge of the atom?

It depends on the number of electrons and protons the charge of an atom depends on the number of electrons and the number of protons