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The chemical symbol of dubnium is Db.

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Q: What is the chemical symbol for dubnium?
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Related questions

What is the symbol for dubnium?

The chemical symbol of dubnium is Db.

What are the formula of dubnium?

The chemical symbol (not formula) of dubnium is Db.

What is the symbol for hahnium and nobelium?

The chemical symbol of nobelium is No. Hahnium was a proposed name for element 105 but was rejected by IUPAC in favor of (Db) dubnium.

What is the chemical symbol for hahnium?

Hahnium was a proposed name for element 105 but was rejected by IUPAC in favor of (Db) dubnium.

Where dubnium found on Earth?

Dubnium is an artificial chemical element.

What is the reactivity of dubnium?

It is estimated that the chemical properties of dubnium are similar to these of tantalum.

Is the element dubnium natural or synthetic?

Dubnium is an artificial chemical element.

Is dubnium rare?

Dubnium is an artificial chemical element, very unstable.

What elements make up dubnium?

Dubnium is an artificial chemical element containing only atoms of dubnium; dubnium is prepared via nuclear reactions.

Does dubnium occur in nature or is it synthesized?

Dubnium is a man made chemical element.

How many stable isotopes does dubnium have?

Dubnium is an artificial chemical element and hasn't stable isotopes.

What is the atomic weight of dubnium?

Dubnium, symbol Db, has an atomic number of 105 and an atomic weight/mass of 262.