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An example of a literary climax is in "Romeo and Juliet" when Romeo and Juliet both die as a result of tragic misunderstandings and complications. This event marks the peak of the emotional intensity in the play and sets off the resolution of the story.

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12y ago

Climax in literature is when the story has reached maximum suspense. For instance; in a story about two people who fall in the love, the climax would be the two people confessing love for each other after bantering over their feelings for an excessive amount of time. From the climax on, the story begins to wind down, tie itself together, and prepare for the conclusion.

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11y ago

A climax is when the big event in a story happens, as in Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets; fighting Voldemort is the climax.

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7y ago

The climax in literature is the moment of greatest tension or excitement within the story

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7y ago

After the accident, Declan realized that he loved Marissa and would do anything to win her back.

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Can you give an example of 'climax' in literary terms?

ClimaxThe turning point of the action in the plot of a play or story. The climax represents the point of greatest tension in the work. The climax of John Updike's "A&P," for example, occurs when Sammy quits his job as a cashier.

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There are many different types of climax in stories. One example of a climax in a story is the death of a main character.

What is the literary term for increasing intensity?

Rising action or complications (obsticles)

What does the word climax mean English term?

A climax of a literary work is the decisive moment that is of maximum intensity or is a major turning point in a plot.

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A climax is 1: a series of ideas or statements so arranged that they increase in force and power from the first to the last 2: the highest point In terms of literary works, the climax is the major action of a story, the event to which the rising action has been leading. An example would be when Gene jounced the limb, knocking Finny out of the tree in A Separate Peace.

What is the meaning climax?

A climax is 1: a series of ideas or statements so arranged that they increase in force and power from the first to the last 2: the highest point In terms of literary works, the climax is the major action of a story, the event to which the rising action has been leading. An example would be when Gene jounced the limb, knocking Finny out of the tree in A Separate Peace.

What are the literary elements?

falling action, rising action, conflict, climax, setting, characters, resolution

What is the high point of a story called?

The high point of the plot of a literary work is known as the climax.

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rising action in a literary sense is the action leading up to the climax.

Which literary elements are in 'Death in the Woods'?

what is exposition,rising action, climax, falling action, resolution in death in the woods

What is the literary term rising action?

The literary term for rising action is called exactly that rising action that leads to the climax and comes after the exposition.

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