

Best Answer

A1: Second hint for the Ultimate puzzle: Use the Caesar idea, but shift each letter one more than the preceding letter.

A2: Hint for Guardian puzzle G5: Use a substitution cipher, with the key equal to TWODRIVENJCKSHLPFAXMYBGQUZ.

A3: You'll need to use Morse Code for Guardian puzzle G12.

A4: Use a substitution cipher for Guardian puzzle G8. The key is THEQUICKBROWNFXJMPSVALZYDG.

A5: First general hint: the answer to the Guardian puzzles are numbers that you will need to know for the Master puzzles.

A6: Hint for Guardian puzzle G1: J decrypts to A, W to E, F to I, G to O, and I to U.

A9: Second general hint: What are hexadecimal numbers?

A10: For Guardian puzzle G7: try using the ASCII code, but reverse the hexadecimal digits.

A11: First hint for the Ultimate puzzle: You will need an atlas, or the internet.

A12: Hint for Guardian puzzle G3: How could you make this sentence the key to a substitution cipher? Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack.

A13: Did you people can read words whose letters are scrambled as long as the first and last letters stay at the beginning and end? Pretty amazing! Anyway, here is a hint for Guardian puzzle G6: Write every word is backwards.

A18: Hint for Guardian puzzle G2: One of the words is Niekro, and the last word is seventy seven.

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