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Lead solutions are usually a greenish, yellowish colour....

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Q: What is the color of lead sulphate?
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What is the formation formlula for lead sulphate?

Lead II sulphate is PbSO4 Lead IV sulphate is Pb(SO4)2

How would you separate lead sulphate from a mixture of lead sulphate and lead chloride?

by adding hot water

How do you separate lead sulphate and lead chloride?

Lead chloride dissolves in hot water, whereas lead sulphate does not. Mix the sample with hot water and filter off the lead sulphate, then evaporate the water and dry the solid left behind to recover the lead chloride.

What color if the ferrous sulphate is heated?

ferrous sulphate when it is heated it changes into red brown color

Is lead sulphate soluble in water?


Which is more soluble in pure water at room temperature Lead Nitrate or Lead Sulphate?

All nitrates including Lead nitrate is soluble in water but Lead sulphate is almost insoluble.

What is color of Ferrous Sulphate?

Ferrous Sulphate, also known as Iron (II) sulphate or green vitrol is green.

What is the colour of ferrous sulphate crystal?

The color of ferrous sulphate crystals is green. However on heating, it yields a brownish mass ( as water is lost) and on further heating they lead to release of a mixture of sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide

What color is sulphate when dissolved in water?

Sulfate/Sulphate dissolved in water is blue in color. That's COPPER sulphate; there are many other sulphates which have many different colours, or are colourless.

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Does lead sulphate dissolve in water?


What color is copper sulphate solution and water mixture?

Copper sulphate's colour is blue.