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Q: What is the command in UNIX for printing current time in 24 hour format?
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Brief description of format command in unix?

There is no standard 'format' command in Unix.

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UNIX command to display the current datedate +'%d/%m/%Y'Niraj sharma

Which command in UNIX can search a pattern in documents and list them in line format?

Use the 'grep' command

What is the difference between echo and printf command of UNIX?

Echo merely repeats its command line arguments as stated. The 'printf' command allows for formatted print and a more exacting method of printing out information. Printf requires you to specify the format of what you want to print; echo does not have this ability.

What is the command that will change the current default directory to the root directory in Unix?

CD /

What is the use of execute command in unix?

There is no traditional 'execute' command in Unix.

What command will display files starting from z in unix?

Use the command: ls z* for those files in your current working directory.

Which command is used to get out of unix environment?

Typically the 'exit' command gets you out of the current shell environment you are in; if this is the login shell then you will be logged out of the system.

What do CD command do in unix?

The 'CD' command is not standard for Unix. The 'cd' command, however, will change directories (folders). It is a means of navigating the Unix file system.

What is the Unix command to count the number of files in current directory?

find -type f | wc -l

What is the difference between unix command and dos command?

They are different languages, so you need to use a different word with different syntax to do the same thing. For example, to display the contents of the current directory, the command in MS-DOS is dir, but in UNIX it's ls.

Which is the most commonly used command for referencing detailed information about a particular command in UNIX?

In Unix, use the 'man' command.