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Q: What is the correct dose of penicillin G for a cat and how frequent?
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What is the penicillin per cat pound?

This varies depending upon the formulation of the penicillin (injectable, topical, oral), the location and type of infection and the overall health status of the cat. If you believe your cat has a condition that needs treatment with penicillin, you should take your cat to your veterinarian.

Should a cat be given penicillin if he is dying?

Only a vet will be able to prescribe the correct medicine for an ill cat. Never try and medicate a pet yourself as this could lead to overdose, and in extreme cases, death of the cat.

how long do you give a cat penicillin shots for wounds?

Cats tolerate penicillin, but the dosage varies from that humans take. Please take this animal to the vet -- even if you do get the right dosage of penicillin, and even if the cat isn't allergic, I presume from your question you're not able to suture the wound. Please get a vet invovled in this.

Your cat is vomiting after a penicillin shot?

it is allergic to it you dip wad

Where is the best place to give a cat a penicillin shot?

The vet

How long do you give the penicillin in a cat?

Usually until it is all gone

Can you give fish pen penicillin to a cat?

Fish pen penicillin can be given to a cat being treated for an infection. However, like with all drugs, it should only be given under the advice of a veterinarian.

Can a cat die from a penicillin shot?

jgjjkjkmv mjgjb bkk bkk kk

Can you give a cat a small dosage of doxcycyline?

Yes you can as long as its a very small dose because a big dose can kill the cat.

Dose a tabby cat lat eggs?

No. No cat lays eggs.

Is it ok to give a cat Clavamox for frequent peeing?

Yes it is.

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