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Catholics most often refer to The Bible as "The Holy Bible". The official version of the Catholic Bible is the Latin Vulgate, the most accurate translation of the Bible ever done. In English, the most accurate version is the Douay Rheims translation, though one can get the Challoner version as the English is rather archiac in the original.

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Q: What is the correct name for the Catholic Bible?
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the Catholic Bible Actually, both are correct. However, the Protestants threw out a bunch of books of the Bible that did not fit with their teachings that are still recognized by Catholics as canonical. Therefore, the Catholic Bible is 'more correct.'

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Is the name Catholic Church Biblical?

.Catholic AnswerThe name "Catholic" came about before the Bible (New Testament) was written completely, and definitely before it was put together in the fourth century. The "Church" part is in the Bible, but not the word "Catholic." Members of the Catholic Church wrote the Bible, and then Pope Damasus and the Council of Rome ordered which books definitively made up the Canon of the New Testament. In other words, the Bible depends upon the Catholic Church, not the other way around. So, no, the words "Catholic Church" do not appear in the New Testament.

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The term 'catholic' in this sense means 'universal.' In that the Bible is worldwide, it Is catholic. This has nothing to do with the Catholic Church.

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No. At least the Jewish Bible I have heard, but don't remember the Christian or Catholic or whatever

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Roman Catholic AnswerThe Gospels in the Bible are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The "Catholic Bible" is the Bible as used by the Church for two millenium.

Is the New Jerusalem Bible Catholic or Protestant?

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