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operations section

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Q: What is the correct title of the ICS organizational element that implements tactical activities to achieve the incident objectives?
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You are implementing tactical activities to achieve the incident objectives What is the correct title of the ice organizational element to which you are assigned?

If you are implementing tactical activities to achieve the incident objectives in the ICS organizational element you are assigned to the Operations section.

What is the title of the ics organizational element for assigning tactical activities to achieve the incident objectives?


Which ICS organizational element is responsible for setting objectives and priorities?

Incident Commander

What is the name of the document that specifies the incident objectives that form the basis for the incident objectives and activities to be compelted during the next operational period?

incident action plan

ICS organizational structure should include?

only the functions and positions needed to achieve the incident objectives

Should the ICS organizational structure only include the functions and positions needed to achieve the incident objectives?


ICS organizational structure should include only the functions and positions needed to achieve the incident objectives?


What is the correct title of the ics organization element to which you are assigned You are implementing tactical activities to achieve the incident objectives?

Planning section

The incident command system is a proven incident management system. What is its organizational basis?

Organizational best practices.

Who developes the incident objectives?

Incident Commander

What is Incident Action?

Establishes the overall incident objectives, strategies, and tactics

Incident objectives answer which?

What do we want to accomplish