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In the sentnece, "You have an orange.", the count noun is orange. In this sentence, it is just one orange (indicated by the article 'an'), but it could be two Oranges, or many oranges.

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Q: What is the count noun for the sentence you have an orange?
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there is no adjective in this sentence, an adjective describes a noun

Can orange be a verb in a sentence and how?

There is no recorded use of "to orange" as a verb. Orange serves as a noun (fruit) and adjective (color).

When you write down a question will it still count as a sentence?

Yes, it counts as a sentence, as long as you have a noun, subject, or verb.

Is the word orange a pronoun?

No, the word 'orange' is a noun, a word for a type of fruit, a word for a thing; and and adjective, a word that describes a noun as the color orange. Examples:noun: I put a sliced orange in you lunch.adjective: She wore orange shoes with a hot pink dress.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun orange is it. Example:I put an orange in your lunch. I sliced it and wrapped it.

What can a noun be?

A noun can be a person, place, or thing. A noun can be the subject of a sentence or a clause, and the object of a verb or a preposition. A noun can be: singular or plural common or proper abstract or concrete possessive collective compound count and non-count (mass) a gerund (verbal noun)

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No, the noun cloth is a count noun; the plural form is cloths. Example sentence: He uses three wash cloths every time he showers.

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It is a count noun.

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The noun peas is the plural form for the singular noun pea, a count noun.

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The noun vocabulary is a count noun; the plural form is vocabularies.

Is humor a count or noncount noun?

The noun humor is a non-count noun; you can count the jokes or the pratfalls but you can't count the humor.

Is house a count or a non-count noun?

The noun 'house' is a count noun.A count noun is a noun that has a singular and a plural form.The plural form of the singular noun 'house' is 'houses'.

What noun can be put for water?

Water already is a noun; a non-count, common, concrete noun, a word for a substance, a thing.Example sentence: I filled my glass with water.Some synonyms for the noun water are:H2Oaquarainsalivatearswetnessriverlakeseaoceanpondpuddle