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Q: What is the crown jellyfishes relatives?
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What are jellyfishes relatives?

corals, sea anemones, and portuguese man-o-war

What are jellyfishes ennemies?

bigger animals are the jellyfishes enemies.

The class scyphozoa contains?

Scyphozoa is basically another name for jellyfish. It is a sea animal with soft and delicate body. Following subgroups come under the class scyphozoa: Order: Coronatae(crown jellyfishes), Order: Rhizostomatida, Order: Rhizostomeae, Order: Semaeostomeae, Order: Stauromedusae (stalked jellyfishes).

Scyphozoa class contains?

Scyphozoa is basically another name for jellyfish. It is a sea animal with soft and delicate body. Following subgroups come under the class scyphozoa: Order: Coronatae(crown jellyfishes), Order: Rhizostomatida, Order: Rhizostomeae, Order: Semaeostomeae, Order: Stauromedusae (stalked jellyfishes).

What is jellyfish food source?

jellyfishes eat plankton fish and even feed on other jellyfishes

Are jellyfishes consumers?

No yes

How many people die by jellyfishes every year?

35 people die by jellyfishes every year.

Are jellyfishes important?

Yes, they are.

Are jellyfishes invertibrates?


Do jellyfishes have a skeleton?

No. They are invertebrates.

Where does jellyfishes live?


Do jellyfishes has antennae?
