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The definition of computer storage is a data storage that is often called storage of memory refer to computer components and recordings media that retains digital data used.

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All computer data is saved in bytes, and on the smallest scale it's just a series of ones and zeroes that only a computer can read. Patters of ones and zeroes (8 in a row) spell out letters and such.

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Q: What is the definition of computer data storage?
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The definition of computer storage is a data storage that is often called storage of memory refer to computer components and recordings media that retains digital data used.

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Secondary storage is a device that are not attached to the computer; however, it can be inserted in order to archive additional data. Examples of secondary storage include CDs, DVDs, and floppy discs.

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computer is a electronic machine which is used to process the data and get output.More Information:A computer system is a networked aggregation of components (a machine) which is used to input, store, and process data. It must have a processing unit, and devices for data input, output and storage.

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It can refer to a place like a storage room where paper records are kept. It can also refer to a storage device such as a computer hard disk, CD, DVD, or similar device which can hold data.

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What is storage of a computer?

The storage of a computer is in the hard drive. There is also the random access memory which temporarily stores data.

What is storage in computer science?

storage refers to the keeping of data and information for later. in computer science there are two types of storage that is primary storage and secondary storage in primary storage data is kept temporary in ROM(read only memory) while in secondary storage data is kept permanently like on hard disk, tape, cds.