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Fertile Land

Fertile means able to grow crops, or arable. Early civilizations developed where rivers overflowed their banks to add silt that provided nutrients to the soil.

Fertility in Animals and Humans

Animals are said to be fertile if they can bear young. While fertilization is by the sperm of male animals, fertility is usually applied to the eggs of the female and their subsequent ability to grow or mature.

Other Uses

The word is used as a metaphor for the source of prolific or productive efforts (fertile mind, fertile environment). It generally refers to land that is used to grow crops. Fertile meaing that the land is ready and able to have seed planted. Can also refer to the ability of a female to bear young. Land which is able to bear crops. Also can mean an animal that is able to bear young.
able to become pregnant

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Q: What is the definition of fertile?
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How far did the Fertile Crescent stretch from north to south?

There is no exact definition of the Fertile Crescent region, though it generally covers the majority of modern Iraq and Syria, and portions of Turkey, Iran, Jordan, and Kuwait, plus possibly Israel and Lebanon.

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Most fertile is the superlative for fertile.

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Can you get pregnant even you are not fertile?

The definition of infertile is the inability to become pregnant through natural methods. People can have 'low fertility' which means it is difficult, but not impossible, for them to become pregnant.

Can plants of different genus cross naturally and are there exceptions if most can't cross?

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