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It means material which was not a part of a living organism.

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Q: What is the definition of inorganic material?
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Is the majority of earth's material organic or inorganic?

The majority of earth's material is inorganic.

What is the definition of economic minerals?

An economic mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic, solid material with a defined chemical composition and crystalline structure.

Is catalase found in inorganic material?

yes, catalase is found in inorganic material. For example: Sand

What is the modern definition of oxidation in a process?

A set of chemical treatment procedure design to remove organic and inorganic material in waste water by oxidation.

Is hydrated silica inorganic?

Hydrated silica is an inorganic material.

Is sulfur an organic or inorganic substance?

inorganic, as it is an element / non-metal

Is sulphur dioxide organic or inorganic?

Hydrogen Sulfate is inorganic. the [simple] definition of organic is that a molecule contains carbon.

How would you put inorganic in a sentences?

Steel contains iron, an inorganic material.

Is clay inorganic?

Yes clay [itself] is inorganic, it was not deprived from organic material.

The chemical link between the inorganic and organic worlds is?

Carbon is the chemical link between the organic and inorganic world. All organic material contains carbon while inorganic material does not.

Why is coal not considered to be a mineral?

Coal is carbon based organic material. Mineral definition requires that material be inorganic with a defined chemical composition and repeating crystalline structure.

What dissolves organic and inorganic material?

organic materials dissolve in organic solvents inorganic materials dissolve in inorganic solvents