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The larynx is more commonly known as the voicebox.

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Q: What is the definition of larynx?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of laryngeal?

The official definition for the word laryngeal is "of or relating to the larynx."

Why is the larynx not a vital organ?

The definition of a vital organ is part of a human component which is needed in order for the person to survive. The larynx is basically the voice box, that's why you see people who can't talk still living :)

What is the definition of the word vagi?

A nerve that supplies the pharynx and larynx and lungs and heart and oesophagus and stomach and most of the abdominal viscera.

Is the larynx part of the larynx?

The larynx is part of the throat and part of the respiratory system.

Contains the vocal cord?


What is the trapdoor of the larynx?

the trapdoor of the larynx is the epiglottis

What is the larynx is also known as?

Larynx is also known as lungs. The word larynx is a medical term.

What is the larynx also known as what?

Larynx is also known as lungs. The word larynx is a medical term.

What merges at the larynx?

The nasopharynx and the oropharynx merge into the larynx

Where is Larynx and windpipe located in?

The larynx is located in your throat.

What do the larynx?

Your Larynx is a voice box, this lets you talk

Is also known as the voice box?

The larynx