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There is not one, but several, standard forms for the equation of a line: for example, the slope-intercept form (which is basically the equation, solved for variable "y"); the form Ax + By + c = 0; and others.

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It is the formax + by + cz + ... = k where a, b, c, ... and k are constants and x, y, z, ... are orthogonal variables.

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Q: What is the definition of standard form of an equation of a line?
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What is the definition for standard form of a linear equation?

The standard form of the equation of a line is Ax By C where A, B, and C are real numbers and A and B are not both zero For Example- 4x+y=10

How would you write an equation of a line in standard form?

the formula for standard form is Ax+By=C

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What is the equation of a line in standard form?

The standard form equation of a line is y=mx+b. M represents the slope; slope is the change in x over the change in y. B represents the y-intercept.

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To be able to write the equation of a line in standard form. In particular, our book would not have cleared the fraction.

How do you find the slope of the line if the equation is in standard form?

There is more than one "standard form". If the equation is not already solved for "y", solve it for "y". In that case, you'll get an equation of the following form (known as "slope-intercept form"): y = mx + b Where "m" is the slope of the line, and "b" is the y-intercept (the point where the line intercepts the y-axis).

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There are different standard forms for different things. There is a standard form for scientific notation. There is a standard form for the equation of a line, circle, ellipse, hyperbola and so on.

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The equation of the line is written in the standard form, y = mx+c

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How do you calculate the equation of a line that is undefined?

The equation is the definition of the line.If the line is undefined, then it has no equation.