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Late 17th century from Hindi 'pakka' meaning genuine or excellent

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Q: What is the definition of the word Pukka?
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Which country does pukka come from?

Pukka is a Hindi word means 'Certain' or 'Sure'. For example: Tell me pukka, will you do it for myself. I'll pukka do it. Sometimes people use the Pukka to express the solidness or pure. Example: The foundation of this building is pukka work (solid work, without any flaws)

Which country did the word pukka originate?


Where did the word pukka come from?

It came from India. It is a Hindi word.

What country does the word pukka come from?

The word comes from India.

How do you use the word pukka in a sentence?

To avoid leaving any humps and bumps, you may finish off the job with the brush for a really pukka job. resource(s):

The word pukka is most associated with which chef?

jamie oliver

What does pukka mean?

Pukka is from the Hindi ("cooked") and means "genuine" or "superior". In British slang, it is synonymous with the slang use of "proper", as "acceptable", "okay", or "suitable". Example : "He's pukka." (He is proper, or a reliable person.) Example : "Pukka Pies" (a brand name, meaning suitably prepared, acceptable fare)

What is pukka?

Pukka means absolutely first class, genuine, high quality, firm, solid, absolute. Word comes from Indian national language word Hindi (spelled like - Pakka).- Neeraj Sharma

When was Pukka Orchestra created?

Pukka Orchestra was created in 1979.

When was Pukka Pies created?

Pukka Pies was created in 1963.

What is the population of Pukka Pies?

The population of Pukka Pies is 262.

When did Pukka Orchestra end?

Pukka Orchestra ended in 1988.