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Electronegativity- attraction of the nucleus of one atom, to the electrons of another.

First Ionization Energy(not within a bond)- The amount of energy required to strip one electron from another atom.

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Q: What is the degree in which an atom in a molecule attracts electrons in a chemical bond called?
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Which term indicates how strongly an atom attracts the electron in a chemical bond?

Linus Pauling defined electronegativity as "the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself."

What is induced force?

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Two non-identical atoms held together by the sharing of two electrons in a bond, is called a molecule. Two identical atoms held together by the sharing of two electrons, is called a diatomic molecule.

A chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons is called a(n)?

a covalent bond is when two atoms share a pair of electrons

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oxidation. Gaining electrons is called reduction.

The water molecule is polar meaning that each end of the molecule has an electrical charge Because of this characteristic water?

The concept of polarity arises from the concept of electronegativity. In a covalent bond, the more electronegative atom attracts the shared pair of electrons towards itself. Similarly, The water molecule is polar because oxygen is highly electronegative and attracts the electrons towards itself. This results in a V-shaped structure to its molecule rather than a linear structure like carbon dioxide. This V-shaped structure provides it a net dipole moment and hence it is called polar.

What is a substance formed by chemical bonds called?

A chemical molecule

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Why is there no such molecule as methane?

There is a molecule called methane; its chemical formula is CH4.

Loss of electrons from a molecule is called?

Ionization, it becomes a cation

When a molecule gains oxygen or loses electrons its called?

an ion