

What is the denominator of one eighth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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8 is the denominator

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Q: What is the denominator of one eighth?
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What are the parts of one eighth?

the numerator, denominator, 2 /16, 3/24, etc.

How do you convert one eighth into a decimal without using a calculator?

Divide the numerator by the denominator

What is the least common denominator of one twelfth and one eighth?

The LCD of 1/12 and 1/8 is 24.

One over eighth plus two thirds?

If you are asking one-eighth plus two-thirds then the answer is 14/16 which reduces to 7/8. Find the least common denominator (16) If you are asking one over one-eith plus two-thirds then the answer is 8 and two-thirds. This is because one over one-eighth means one divided by one eighth. You would invert the denominator (one-eighth) and multiply it to one. Eight over one is the same as eight. One times eight equals eight. Then add eight to two-thirds. This equals eight and two thirds (8 2/3).

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What is the LCM of two fifths and one eighth?

The LCM of 5 and 8 is 40, which in this problem would be the least common denominator.

Does Seven-eighth plus one-eighth equal one whole?

Yes it does. Since it has a common denominator you can add the top numbers. 7+1= 8 and so 8/8 is 1/1 or just 1.

What fraction whose denominator is 4 times greater than its numerator is less than one-fourth and less than one-eighth?

There is no such fraction.

What is one sixth minus one eighth?

You need to:* Find a common denominator (it need not be the least common denominator); * Convert both fractions to the common denominator * After that, you can simply subtract the numerators. * Check whether you can simplify the result.

How do you make 7 and one eighth into an improper fraction?

multiply the whole number (7) by the denominator (8) and add it to the numerator (1) and use that number as the numerator and use the same denominator.... 57/8