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They do not exceed 43cm (17In). Baseball is 22.89-23.495 cm(9-9.25In) in circumfernce.

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Q: What is the diameter of a size 1 soccer ball... Is it about the size of a baseball?
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What is the diamiter of a size 4 soccer ball?

5.73"- 8.28", diameter depends on size.

What is the size of the soccer ball adults use?

it is around the size 68-70 cm (about 27-28 inches) in diameter

What size soccer ball do women use?

Women's soccer is in a different league to the men's soccer. Women use a soccer ball that is the same size as the men's soccer ball.

What does 9.5 mean when referring to a baseball bat size?

Diameter of the ball is 9.5 inches

What is the size of the ball on the Sputnik?

It is two times the size of a soccer ball.

What is a footskill ball?

A foot-skill ball is a small (usually four inches in diameter) bean filled ball. The idea is to train on a much smaller surface than a soccer ball to improve your touch. If you can dribble well and have a clean touch on a four ball, then a full size soccer ball should be no problem!

What is the size of an adult soccer ball?

The size of a soccer ball is roughly 22 cm (8.65 inches) in diameter for a regulation size 5 ball. Rules state that a size 5 ball must be 68 to 70 cm in circumference. Averaging that to 69 cm and then dividing by π gives about 22 cm for a diameter.

If soccer ball and a bowling ball are about the same size why does the bowling ball have more mass?

A soccer ball is hollow and filled with air, which has little density. A bowling ball is solid material of a much greater density. * Because bowling balls have a standard size, about 21.8 cm in diameter, bowling balls weighing less than 5.4 kg (12 lb) will float in water.

Is Earth the same size as a soccer ball?

No, Earth is bigger than a soccer ball. The analogy you may have seen is that if Earth were the size of a soccer ball, the Moon would be the size of a tennis ball, and would orbit the Earth at an average distance of 22 feet away.

How big is an average soccer ball?

An average soccer ball would be about a size 5. Hope this helps.

What is the volume of a size 5 soccer ball?

The answer should be around 68.83185 fluctuating by the inflation of the soccer ball.

What is the average mass of a soccer ball?

The average mass of a soccer ball depends on the size and material of the soccer ball used. The average mass is 0.43 kg.