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Both words boil down to "agreement," but "consent" seems to hold a greater use with regards to legal matters, such as "the age of consent." Either way, both words indicate "agreement." The essential difference is that consent implies that you must have it. No consent, don't do it. Assent can be just a preference. It can also imply a voting situation. In some things you require the consent of all concerned; in others you only need the assent of the majority. This is very much a grey area; when the US Senate is asked to "advise and consent" this is done by majority vote, but a majority must be obtained. =========================================================== ASSENT: synonyms assent , consent , accede , acquiesce , agree , subscribe mean to concur with what has been proposed. assent implies an act involving the understanding or judgment and applies to propositions or opinions assented to the proposal>. consent involves the will or feelings and indicates compliance with what is requested or desired <consentedto their daughter's going>. accede implies a yielding, often under pressure, of assent or consent accededto the prisoners' demands>. acquiesce implies tacit acceptance or forbearance of opposition <acquiesced to his boss's wishes>. agree sometimes implies previous difference of opinion or attempts at persuasion agreed to come along>. subscribe implies not only consent or assent but hearty approval and active support <subscribes wholeheartedly to the idea>. CONSENT: Consent as a term of jurisprudence is a possible defence (an excuse or justification) against civil or criminal liability. Defendants who use this defense are arguing that they should not be held liable for a tort or a crime, since the actions in question were taken with the plaintiff or "victim's" consent and permission. Consent can be either express or implied. For example, participation in a contact sport usually implies consent to contact by other participants, at least as long as that contact is permitted by the rules of that sport. For cases such as rape that involve the criminal law, see consent

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Q: What is the difference between 'assent' and 'consent'?
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Does 'i assent sound ok when you are saying you agree?

It is not "assent", but good guess. A synonym for agree is "consent." You should usually only use the phrase "I consent" in a formal situation. "Dissent" is the antonym of "consent." Remember, there is no such word as "assent," and you should only use the phrase "I consent" in a formal situation.

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There are a couple definitions given for the word "assent." The basic meaning of the word is to agree or concur. Or basically, to give consent to something.

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1. Right: used to indicate assent, agreement, or affirmation.2. Okays: used to indicate approval or assent.3. Agree: to consent or say yes to.

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1. Right: used to indicate assent, agreement, or affirmation.2. Okays: used to indicate approval or assent.3. Agree: to consent or say yes to.

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Express consent is when you actively go for consent.Tacit consent is when you passively accept consent.Added: To be more precise with the definition:Express consent is when you actively agree (either by voice or in writing) that you are in accord with a certain course of action.Tacit consent is assumed when you don't actually state your agreement, but raise no objection (in voice or in writing) to a certain course of action (i.e.; by standing 'mute).

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The observance of the principle that the state cannot be sued without its consent means that the state or its government has its root in the juridical and practical notion that the state can do no wrong. The word consent means to give assent or agree.

What is observance of the principle that the State cannot be sued without its consent?

The observance of the principle that the state cannot be sued without its consent means that the state or its government has its root in the juridical and practical notion that the state can do no wrong. The word consent means to give assent or agree.

What is the difference between the age of consent and the legal age?

Age of consent is the age you can give legal consent to have sex. Sometimes it is 16 but it can also be 18 and then coincide with the legal age, age of majority, which is when you legally become an adult.